

"Morningside" score by James Murphy & Stuart Bogie with Details of Select Images from the Series

When James Murphy and I discussed a collaboration, and the idea of him providing a score for the Eveningside series, he came back to me with two pieces of music he created with Stuart Bogie. They’re nearly identical in length, just under 20 minutes each, and very closely related, but have very distinct emotional and tonal qualities.

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One titled “Eveningside,” and the other “Morningside,” the first to accompany the behind the scenes meditation Making Eveningside, and the other to accompany an exploration of the details of some of the images from the series. Above is that — image details set to “Morningside.” I hope you will watch full screen, on a decent monitor, with good sound, and fully take it in. Enjoy.

Video edited by Christian Badach. Title design by Perry Grebin. Video © Crewdson Studio. All images and details © Gregory Crewdson. Original music: “Morningside” © James Murphy and Stuart Bogie, from Stuart Bogie’s “Clarinet and Delays,” forthcoming from DFA Records.

EVENINGSIDE (2021-2022) is on view now through Jan. 22, 2023 as part of a 10 year survey curated by Jean-Charles Vergne at Gallerie d’Italia Torino. The exhibition also includes CATHEDRAL OF THE PINES (2013-2014) and AN ECLIPSE OF MOTHS (2018-2019) as well as FIREFLIES (1996) and MAKING EVENINGSIDE, a behind the scenes dual screen projection meditation by filmmaker and Crewdson Production Team Member Harper Glantz.